At The Ability Garden Company we believe that good design ensures that as well as being an inspiring and beautiful place to be, a garden is also practical and functional for everyday use.
Following a detailed site survey and discussions with the Client to understand their ideas and requirements, we will produce a Layout Design Plan – a bespoke, hand drawn plan, drawn at a suitable scale which skilfully illustrates the proposed garden layout.
This will be developed and embellished until both designer and Client are satisfied with the finished scheme from which costings can be produced if desired.

Following completion of the Layout Design Plan, the Planting Plan focuses on the detailed layout of all planting beds and proposed vegetation including trees, shrubs, climbers and herbaceous species.
We use our horticultural expertise to ascertain which plants would be suitable for each location, dependant on surrounding environmental conditions – sunlight, soil type, moisture etc.
A detailed plan shows precise locations within proposed planting beds and a schedule of required planting is subsequently produced in order to forward to our nurseries for sourcing and costing.

Sometimes change is hard to visualise.
Our skilfully hand drawn visualisation sketches can help the Client to share our vision.